Duolingo Diamond League

Duolingo is a revolutionary language-learning platform that has taken the world by storm. Millions of students use Duolingo on a daily basis to learn languages, and it continuously monitors their progress in order to offer them tailored lessons. If you are looking for an exciting way to learn a new language, look no further than Duolingo. And if you have managed to progress through every level on the platform, welcome to the Duolingo Diamond league!

If you want to get to the Duolingo diamond league you will need to have progressed through all of the following Duolingo leagues:

Bronze, Silver, Gold, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Amethyst, Pearl, Obsidian and Diamond.

So, what is the Duolingo Diamond league?

If you have made it to the diamond league then you are in the top league on duolingo and you are competing against the best and most dedicated language learners on the platform. Competing against others is extremely motivating and keeps you on your toes!

Once you make it to the diamond league, there is no further promotion, because you have made it to the top league. Only the bottom 3 people in diamond are demoted. So the goal is really to maintain.

BUT you will want to get to number 1 in the Diamond league at some point, to win that much coveted Number 1 in Diamond League ‘Legendary Trophy!’

I won the Diamond League with 1781 XP!

I am so chuffed with myself for recently finishing number 1 in the Diamond League with 1781 XP on my Portuguese Duolingo. Now, it was a tough slog, and I went through about 7 rounds in the Diamond league before I actually won! This happened on my 121 day streak and when I had reached unit 5.

You will be pleased to know that I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I am happy to share them! I’d like to give a shoutout to my fellow travel blogger friend Joanne Amos who helped me to get to number 1!

Number 1 Duolingo Diamond League

How to get to Number 1 in the Duolingo Diamond League

1. Join the League Late in the Day (or Week)!

This is a bit of a sneaky cheat, but if you join the league later in the day you will be up against the lazier diamond leaguers rather than the hardcore posse! I was joining the diamond league early in the day by starting lessons in the morning, and people were literally over 2000 XP in the first day or two! I though it was going to be almost impossible to even get in the top 3.

Then I started joining later on at night – round 10.30pm or 11pm and I found it was less competitive. I won the diamond league with less than 2000XP by starting at around 10.45pm.

Anyway, I heard of other people joining the league even later in the week – joining on a Wednesday even. This would avoid being in the league with crazy people who do Duolingo like it’s their job! BUT if you delay and miss a day or two then make sure that you have a few ‘streak freezes’ up your sleeve, otherwise you would be gutted if you lose your streak!

2. Work through the Stories

Once you get further down in the stories you can get stories for 28XP each. The stories are quite quick and fun to do. They will introduce you to new vocabulary and have less questions to answer than lessons, and so stories are an easy win. 4 stories from set 14 onwards gets you over 100XP!

Duolingo Stories

3. Brush up to ‘Legendary’

When you reach around Unit 5 and a certain number of crowns (I had 192) you will at some point release a whole new Duolingo look and the opportunity to go ‘legendary’ on your units. Thought you had reached the best in each unit when all the circles were gold? WRONG!

When you release your whole new legendary look you can make all your previous gold circles purple if you pass legendary level. This is tough to achieve because there are no hints AND you are working against the clock. BUT remember that it is all stuff you have learned previously and so you can complete this level very quickly and it’s double the points (20XP for each legendary lesson rather than 10XP).

Duolingo Diamond League go Legendary

As an extra top tip, level up in another lesson and it will offer you ‘Double XP for the next 15 minutes’. Return to legendary level ups on previous gold circles and you will have double double XP! Usual legendary XP is 20 and so you can double this and get 40XP per lesson! You will be able to plough through these and get hundreds of XP within a short 15 minute Duolingo session!

I remember being totally baffled about how someone was getting XP so quickly and then I realised that this was what they were doing!

4. Fix your Broken Hearts

Fixing broken hearts is a good way to get your XP up and practice previous mistakes. You find them in the top right above your daily XP record. For every 10 mistakes that you correct you will be rewarded with 20XP. And you will generally work through these quicker because you have experienced these sentences before.

5. Set your XP Target higher

Did you know that you can alter your XP target for motivation? Click on Duolingo plus icon in the top right. Then click on the cog for settings. You should then see ‘Edit Daily Goal’. The standard daily goal is usually a standard 24XP. So if you want to progress more quickly and motivate yourself more set this higher – 40XP or above. Make sure that it’s achievable within your daily schedule though otherwise if you set your daily goal too high it can have the opposite effect and be de-motivating.

How did you do in the Duolingo Diamond League?

How did you get on in the Duolingo Diamond League? How long did it take you to finish #1? I’m also interested to hear how many XP you finished #1 with? Perhaps you have some additional Duolingo tips that I have not mentioned in my article? I’d love to hear from you – please comment on my blog below and let me know.

If you enjoyed this article you might also like to read about Portuguese Duolingo Review

44 thoughts on “Duolingo Diamond League”

  1. (1 no 1 with a shade under 800pts).

    I don’t understand the league’s. If there are millions of users I do not understand 10 leagues (total 300 users).

    I noticed another in “my” diamond League – disappeared after a couple of weeks (they always scored a bit more than me – so where have they gone? )

    Are there many many diamond leagues?

    • Yes there are many Diamond leagues Dave – when one fills up, another one is started! So if you and a friend are both in the diamond league and one of you joins at 9am and the other at 11am you probably will be in different groups! That’s why it’s sometimes a good idea to wait until later in the day to start because then you might end up in a ‘less competitive’ Diamond league! Hope that makes sense!

      • Can’t understand how this person needed so few points to win the top position. I just got in on the top 10 in Diamond league to qualify for the tournament . I came in 8th with 7540 points. The person who came in first had over 12,000 points.

      • If anyone, anywhere, irrespective of language learned, can join the same league. Surely late in the day for “a lazy/cheat player” will be early morning for another “power-hungry active player”? If so, why does it matter what time you start – Surely you’re always up against non-lazies?

        • Once I was in a really low league, and I joined super early ending up with 15+ XP and still not winning. 3 weeks later I was in one of the middle leagues and won with under 5k which is quite easy.

  2. I joined diamond league at 10pm on Monday. I was in a league with Pepeto, and Luz. Pepeto already had 400XP. From looking at his/her/its profile Monday’s score was in fact 1044. Today Thursday I am in fourth place with 1857xp. Pepeto has 5044. Your theory has not worked for me.

    • They are probably doing duolingo legendary lessons worth 40XP per go Roger. Also it depends on who you get in your league on that day!

  3. I joined late as I was advised and even though it was just the ruby league, it was the toughest competition so far. I won with putting a 2000xp gap between me and the next guy so it was 6900,4800,3300. The 4th dude had a mere 600. I think joining later in the week is an even better advice..

  4. I’m in the Diamond League now. I’d figured out about joining later, using double XP for legendary level, and using stories, so I thought I had a decent chance. Right now, however, just 40 hours after our league started, the person in first place has 6144 XP! I’m in fifth place with just under 3000. I have other responsibilities in my life, and I can’t match that pace. Maybe next time I’ll use freezes and skip a day or two before I start.

  5. I was sick and then out-of-town, so I had put myself in private mode. When I returned and took myself out of private mode, it was a Tuesday. I ended up in a pretty low scoring group and am set to win Diamond league now, probably my 6th attempt, with only 1008 points! Woo Hoo!

  6. I finished first in diamond league with 1300 poitns but i didnt get any achivment and lingots for my win. Just another league started. I checked like a billion times before the previous season ended and i was in lead the last minutes for like 300 xp. Then I watched TV for 10 minutes but nothing happened just new season started. What happened?

    • This is strange. Sometimes it takes a few days to come through, but also sometimes people can leapfrog over you at the last minute as well!

  7. This is ceheaty but… if you want to win get the first lesson on a language you know and try legend but fail in the middle. You get 20xp and can do this over and over to get thousands of Xp per day

  8. I got to diamond league then found there were three facets to the diamond. I stayed in the top three for three weeks and filled in each of the diamond facets. I thought there would be some sort of “woo hoo” on the app but nothing. Did I miss something?

  9. I have had 15 successive wins in the Diamond League and I find its much easier to win the ealier i join. Last week I won with 37000 XP … I started mid week and found the early competition quite tough. However its common to watch No 2 fold when he/she can see that my translation skills are very good. Im 76 so I feel that Alzheimer’s will leave me alone hopefully.

  10. I reached #1 in the diamond league on week 2, then I slacked and was demoted back to obsidian and now back in diamond, but why do I care once I get #1.
    I feel like all I’m doing is rushing through the lessons to earn xp, but am I getting what I really need to learn the language. I get the competitive motivation, but what is the real downside to falling back in the leagues?

    • I agree with you Mary – once I had reached number one in the Diamond league I wasn’t fussed anymore about my ranking. You are right – what is important is language progress. I got complimented on my Portuguese today, so it must be getting there!

  11. 37 thousand? How is that even possible. I worked all day and got 2500 points or so.. Carlos got 2000 in two MINUTES. I just don’t see how that is possible. I got 13,000 points and finished 3rd. Decided it was time to get a life.

    • i’m at 15,000 points at Number two in the diamond league and just realized. “I’m not enjoying this at all. I’m not longer learning this language. I’m just trying to be beat Ulric.” And I think Ulricf is some weird bot. Because of the first day I came in he already hed like 37,000 points. There are ways to rack up points. But they aren’t conducive to learning. So I’m going back to learning and stopping with the competition. It is no longer serving me.

  12. I bided my time in the diamond league until I found myself in a lazy group on the summer. On Sunday afternoon I did stories and won the league with less than 700 XP.

    • Why call them the “lazy” group, rather than the laid-back or non-competitive or easygoing group? I can imagine what folks in such a group would call my current league, where the person in Number 1 position is only studying one language and scored over 12000 xp this week, has been on Duo for 3 months and already has a total of almost 82000 xp. I gave up trying to catch up to him, but have been working hard to stay in number 2 spot just for my own satisfaction, and this is working. One thing I can’t get past is that I finished #1 in Diamond League 3 weeks ago and have not been awarded the Legendary Achievement award. It was really hard achieving that and not being acknowledged is very demoralizing. And you don’t even have anyone to write to to get this fixed!

  13. I think there should be a league after the diamond league. This will be for those who finished #1 in the diamond league. So you’ll be like “pheew, we made it guys,no need for competition. Now let’s just learn,and make the best out of this app by learning our new languages”
    I hope I made sense

  14. As of Apr 2022, the legendary points are now 40XP (not 20) and stories are 20XP (currently on set 23).

    I too was aware of starting later in the day, and accidentally realised starting on a Weds put me with lower scorers but I hated using my 2 day streaks as I’m keen on the consistency (as well as winning).

    Since Joining in Jan 2022 I’ve hit an 88 day run and amo Set 2 – 96 of 130 in Spanish.

    I wonder how lomg it takes everyone on average to complete a language? I’d love to know how I’m doing in comparison.

  15. Save up double XP boosts, join the league later to be up against less intense competition. Focus on points, don’t mix with learning. Use your XP dbl ups on match madness. When top or bottom pair matches, leave it and work with the other 4, it’s much easier than matching all 5. This way you get 80xp per 1:30. Get to 2000 xp gap with the next player, now relax and switch to learning. Wash, rinse, repeat.

  16. I want someone to write a blog post on how to consistently end up in laid back Diamond leagues where people aren’t killing themselves to rack up XPs. My Diamond league his week is brutal. With one hour left to go until the deadline, the leader is about to cross 9000 XP. Five people who put in very respectable weeks, but who didn’t exceed 400 XP a day are in the Demotion Zone. I worked my tail off to to get 3160 (450 XP per day) and I’m only in 17th place. I find no joy in having to crank out that many points every day, and after a while I’m not so sure it’s best for my learning.

  17. Unfortunately, I also got caught in this XP point gain fever and almost lost the joy of learning and the sound of my new languages. I decided to just continue learning at my own pace.

    Anyway, i just looked at the ranking list. in my diamond group, the first is actually over 30,000!

    That’s too stressful for me. thanks for all the tips here.

  18. Currently over 21000 xp + this week alone and still only second in my diamond league. Pretty ridiculous. Not enjoyable at all and way too much time just to tick off a badge I won‘t even get. Won‘t be doing that again. Badge would be better with a maintain 5 weeks at diamond level rather than win it, if you can join later in the week but want to maintain your streak.

    • I want to know this too! My Diamond league ends on Sun nights at 10pm (I live in Europe) and I then immediately have to do a lesson to join the next league. People in my leagues have THOUSANDS of points. This week the top scorer has 37,000 and we still have 27 hours to go. How can he possibly score this much and have an actual life? That’s over 6000 per day!

  19. Amy I have won the Diamond League twice, once during a Diamond League Tournament and I am still not getting the Legendary Badge. Is it because I haven’t finished level 5? The badge just says“#1 in Diamond League“. I have also started late on Monday and in the Diamond League I still get fanatics. I had to get 20,000 xp to win last time and #2 was right behind me! Ive tried asking Duolingo and I get no response frombrhem.‍♀️

  20. Here’s a tip for anyone using Duolingo–whether you’re striving for the Diamond League or not. You can improve your accuracy on ¨Tap what you hear¨ questions if you realize there are always four buttons (with words or phrases) that are not in the correct answer.

  21. I’ve been starting late on Mondays. I had been starting Sunday nights, and working hard, only to see people with 10x the points. The new, start-later strategy has won twice now. Most weeks, it’s impossible, working at it an hour + a day. But sometimes, you catch a group of slackers.

    A further note on using stories. Sure, they’re worth up to 28 points, but you can also do it in “listening” mode for another 28, then writing about it for another ten. Perhaps this isn’t in all levels and languages. But in a short span–maybe 20 minutes–you can pick up 66 points.

    Oddly, in 505 days, I have yet to see the “double points for the next 15 minutes” bonus.

  22. Thanks everyone. As silly as it is that gold stamp is on my bucket list. As is the streak one. Does anyone know does it take a 500 streak to get gold?

    So what’s “match madness”?

    So here’s my tip ( that I should have saved for Diamond League.) I had a passing interest in Japanese and found the first few units extremely easy and quick( 1-1:30 mins.) So you can rack up points AND learn something new.

    Hoping Korean is similarly quick..because after 3 units it starts to slow.. ,( I should have saved Japanese till Diamond..but Hiragana is too damn fun! I couldn’t stop.)


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